Environmental Economics

Composition de l'équipe

Chargé(e) de Recherche

   -   Dr Nathalie HILMI

Chercheur Postdoctoral

   -   Dr Shekoofeh FARAHMAND


The Environmental Economics section focuses on three themes:

Socio-economic impacts of climate change and of ocean acidification 

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for the period 2016-2030. The COP21 and SDG 13 (on climate change) highlight the need to accelerate the economy decarbonisation and the worldwide reduction of CO2 emissions, and to strengthen the international community's commitment to take collective mesures to drastically reduce CO2 emissions. The CSM's environmental economics theme studies the socio-economic impacts generated by CO2 emissions due to climate change or to ocean acidification. This is also reflected in the series of Workshops "Bridging the gap between ocean acidification impacts and economic valuation" jointly organized by the CSM and the IAEA under the leadership of Dr Hilmi.

Assessment and enhancement of coral reefs 

In tropical environments, particular attention has been paid to studying coral reef assessment methods. Collaboration with experts in the social sciences has made it possible to take into account economic as well as social and cultural aspects in an ecosystem approach. Several SDGs are concerned by the coral reefs’ health (food security, poverty alleviation, human health…). In addition, governance aspects are crucial when talking about the management of natural capital and the conservation of environmental resources. Indeed, there are many actors involved in the process of protection or resilience. Thus, the decision is taken at different levels ranging from local to global by a multitude of actors. Communication is essential for research to reach all levels of decision-making.


Economic policies and sustainable development 

When we talk about environmental policies, the notion of sustainable development is essential because it includes the three pillars: economic, social and environmental. Environmental policies are a component of broader economic policies and, without an understanding of the macroeconomic and social context in which countries find themselves, it is impossible to make adequate policy recommendations. 
In a world marked by local and global fragilities and instabilities of all kinds (political, social, economic and financial), an environmental catastrophe can have particularly devastating effects on the economy and the human-being. Through a macroeconomic approach, the "Environmental Economics" theme can address the major global issues and give them the necessary political and international dimension to make them intelligible by political decision-makers.
