Le développement durable est un paradigme qui permet de prendre en compte de la meilleure manière les trois aspects : environnementaux, sociaux et économiques. C’est également un moyen de communication qui utilise le langage des organisations internationales et des gouvernements. L’approche macroéconomique permet d’introduire ces enjeux planétaires dans les politiques publiques afin que les messages des sciences environnementales atteignent leurs objectifs.
Ce schéma pose immédiatement la question de la compatibilité ou de la mise en cohérence des différents objectifs propres à chacune de ces dimensions et à chacune des disciplines qui les sous-tendent. La question du développement durable n’émergera véritablement comme un changement radical de paradigme que si elle relève d’une démarche pluridisciplinaire où chaque discipline interroge son propre objet de connaissance et ses méthodes à la lumière d’un dialogue permanent avec les autres disciplines. Cette multidisciplinarité est nécessaire pour comprendre toutes les dimensions des challenges mondiaux.
Développement durable

Blue Carbon as a Nature-Based Mitigation Solution in Temperate Zones
Cinar M, Hilmi N, Arruda G, Elsler L, Safa A, van de Water J A J M
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Defining severe risks related to mobility from climate change
Gilmore E A, Wrathall D, Adams H, Buhaug H, Castellanos E, Hilmi N, McLeman R, Singh C, Adelekan I
j.crm Vol.44, 2024, 100601 -
The tap & the tub: A better way to envision climate change mitigation
Chami R, Nieburg D, Fullenkamp C, Hilmi N, Bramley B
IlluminVoi Aug 11 2024 -
WTO must complete an ambitious fisheries subsidies agreement
Sumaila U R, Alam L, Abdallah P R, Aheto D, Akintola S L, Alger J, Andreoli V, Bailey M, Barnes C, Ben-Hasan A, Brooks C M, Carvalho A R, Cheung W W L, Cisneros-Montemayor A M, Dempsey J, Halim S A, Hilmi N, Ilori M O, Jacquet J, Karuaihe S T, Le Billon P, Leape J, Martin T G, Meeuwig J J, Micheli F, Mokhtar M, Naylor R L, Obura D, Palomares M L D, Pereira L M, Rogers A A, Sequeira A M M, Sogbanmu T O, Villasante S, Zeller D, Pauly D
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Climate change impacts on Mediterranean fisheries: A sensitivity and vulnerability analysis for main commercial species
Farahmand S, Hilmi N, Cinar M, Safa A, Lam V W Y, Djoundourian S, Shahin W, Ben Lamine E, Schickele A, Guidetti P, Allemand D, Raybaud V
ecolecon 211 (2023): 107889 -
Deep sea nature-based solutions to climate change
Hilmi N, Sutherland M, Farahmand S, Haraldsson G, van Doorn E, Ernst E, Wisz M S, Claudel Rusin A, Elsler L G, Levin L A
Front Clim 5:1169665 -
Insights and achievements from the Tara Pacific expedition
Planes S, Allemand D
Nat Commun 14: 3131 (2023) -
Redistribution of fisheries catch potential in Mediterranean and North European waters under climate change scenarios
Ben Lamine E, Schickele A, Guidetti P, Allemand D, Hilmi N, Raybaud V
Sci Total Environ 163055 -
The price is not right
Chami R, Fullenkamp C, Gonzalez Gomez A, Hilmi N, Magud N E
Front Clim 5:1225190 -
The transition to renewable energy is inevitable as geopolitical risks drag on: a closer empirical look at MENAT oil importers
Matallah S, Matallah A, Hilmi N
Environ Sci Pollut Res Sept 2023, 15 -
Tropical Blue Carbon: Solutions and Perspectives for Valuations of Carbon Sequestration
Hilmi N, Benitez Carranco M B, Broussard D, Mathew M, Djoundourian S, Cassotta S, Safa A, Maliki S, Descroix-Comanducci F, Allemand D, Berthomieu C, Hall-Spencer J M, Ferrier-Pagès C
Front Clim 5 (2023):10.3389
An evolution towards scientific consensus for a sustainable ocean future
Gaill F, Brodie Rudolph T, Lebleu L, Allemand D, Blasiak R, Cheung W W L, Claudet J, Cavaleri Gerhardinger L, Le Bris N, Levin L, Pörtner H-O, Visbeck M, Zivian A, Bahurel P, Bopp L, Bowler C, Chlous F, Cury P, Gascuel D, Goyet S, Hilmi N, Ménard F, Micheli F, Mullineaux L, Parmentier R, Sicre M-A, Speich S, Thébaud O, Thiele T, Bowler M, Charvis P, Cuvelier R, Houllier F, Palazot S, Staub F, Poivre d'Arvor O
npj OS (2022)1:7 -
Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region: An Empirical Investigation
Benghalem, A, Maliki S, Kertous M, Hilmi N
WJEMSD Vol. 18, n. 5, pp. 555–573 -
Broad-scale climate variation drives the dynamics of animal populations: a global multi-taxa analysis
Wan X, Holyoak M, Yan C, Le Maho Y, Dirzo R, Krebs C J, Stenseth N C, Zhang Z
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc (2022), 21 -
Climate resilient development pathways
Schipper E L F, Revi A, Preston B L, Carr E R, Eriksen S H, Fernandez-Carril L R, Glavovic B, Hilmi N, Ley D, Mukerji R, Muylaert de Araujo M S, Perez R, Rose S K, Singh P K
IPCC ClimC2022 Ch.18:2655-2807 -
Cross-Chapter Paper 4: Mediterranean Region. In: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Ali E, Cramer W, Carnicer J, Georgopoulou E, Hilmi N, Le Cozannet G, Lionello P
ipcc2022 IPCC AR6 WGII CCP4, pp. 2233-2272 -
Ocean-Related Effects of Climate Change on Society
Hilmi N, Crisostomo M B, Theux-Lowen N
Life Below Water. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 769-779 -
Ocean-Related Impacts of Climate Change on Economy
Hilmi N, Theux-Lowen N, Crisostomo M B
Life Below Water. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 779-790 -
Reviews and syntheses: A framework to observe, understand, and project ecosystem response to environmental change in the East Antarctic Southern Ocean
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Biogeosci Discuss 19, 5313–5342 -
The true wealth of the open ocean: a global trust
Bramley B, Chami R, Duarte C M, Fullenkamp C, Hilmi N, Nieburg D
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Ocean-related effects of climate change on society
Hilmi N, Pinochet M B C, Theux-Lowen N
Life Below Water, Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development goals . Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71064-8_104-1 -
The Impacts of Environmental and Socio-Economic Risks on the Fisheries in the Mediterranean Region
Hilmi N, Farahmand S, Lam V W Y, Cinar M, Safa A, Gilloteaux J
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The Role of Blue Carbon in Climate Change Mitigation and Carbon Stock Conservation
Hilmi N, Chami R, Sutherland M D, Hall-Spencer J M, Lebleu L, Benitez M B, Levin L A
Front Clim 3: 710546
Climate and environmental change in the mediterranean basin - Current situation and risks for the future
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Dos Santos M, Moncada S, Elia A, Grillakis M, Hilmi N
In: Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future First Mediterranean Assessment Report [Cramer W, Guiot J, Marini K (eds.)] Union for the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP, Marseille, France, 23pp -
Why should Saudi Arabia diversify its economy?
Hilmi N, Farahmand S, Belaid F
In: Economic Development in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries - From Rentier States to Diversified Economies. Miniaoui, Hela (Ed.) vol. 1, Chap. 5
A Roadmap for Using the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Support of Science, Policy, and Action
Claudet J, Bopp L, Cheung W W L, Devillers R, Escobar-Briones E, Haugan P, Heymans J J, Masson-Delmotte V, Matz-Lück N, ..., Hilmi N, ..., Uku J, Gaill F
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Climate impacts on the ocean are making the Sustainable Development Goals a moving target travelling away from us
Singh G G, Hilmi N, Bernhardt J R, Cisneros Montemayor A M, Cashion M, Ota Y, Acar S, Brown J M, Cottrell R, Djoundourian S, Gonzalez-Espinosa P C, Lam V, Marshall N, Neumann B, Pascal N, Reygondeau G, Rocklöv J, Safa A, Virto L R, Cheung W
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IPCC 2019: Framing and Context of the Report
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