Scientific Publication in Marine Biology - Physiology team

Corals play a key role in building coral reefs. They build up their calcium carbonate skeleton through the process of calcification, which takes place in a compartment separated from the seawater by an internal cavity, the cœlenteron. The composition of the seawater influences that of the cœlenteric fluid, which in turn is influenced by the biological activity of the coral cells. Determining the composition of the cœlenteron is therefore of crucial importance for a better understanding of calcification. There is currently very little data in the literature, as access to the cœlenteron is technically difficult. Lucas Crovetto, a 3rd year PhD student at the CSM, co-supervised by Drs. Sylvie and Eric Tambutté, has tackled this challenge using the microsensor technique. Using a micromanipulator, microsensors were carefully inserted into the cœlenteron to measure its pH under different environmental conditions. This cutting-edge technique provided crucial data that enriches our understanding of calcification at the microscopic level and complements the team's previous findings on the site of calcification.

This study, published in the journal Communications Biology, provides new insights into how environmental stressors such as ocean acidification or rising sea temperatures affect calcification. A thorough understanding of coral biology is an essential prerequisite for the conservation of one of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on our planet.

Publication :
Crovetto L., Venn A.A., Sevilgen D., Tambutté S., Tambutté E. Spatial variability of and effect of light on the cœlenteron pH of a reef coral. Communications Biology 7, 246 (2024)​​​​​.


For more information, please contact :
Mr. Lucas Crovetto
Dr Sylvie Tambutté
Dr Éric Tambutté​​