Visit to CSM by Dr Marian Hu, specialist in the physiology of biomineralization in sea urchins

Dr. Marian Hu, Group Leader at Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany, recently visited the CSM to collaborate with the coral Physiology Team. Well known for his work on the cell physiology of sea urchin biomineralization, Dr Hu’s knowledge is highly complementary with the expertise of the CSM team, who specialize in coral biomineralization. 

Working with Drs Alexander Venn, Eric Tambutté and Sylvie Tambutté, Dr Hu spent 10 days at the CSM carrying out innovative experiments with the CSMs cutting-edge confocal microscope. Together, their work is breaking new boundaries in understanding how coral skeletons are formed at the cellular level. 

As part of his visit, Dr. Hu graciously imparted his expertise and findings through a fascinating research seminar delivered to the staff of the CSM. This presentation served as a platform for intellectual exchange, sparking insightful discussions and opening new avenues of future inquiry. Dr Hu’s visit laid the foundations to further scientific exchange and between the CSM and his group in Germany.


For more information, please contact :
Dr Sylvie Tambutté
Dr Alexander Venn