Scientific Directory

Chargé de Recherche - Équipe Écophysiologie / ÉcologieTel. +377 97 77 44 83
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CV 2023
Thèmes de recherche développés
Photosynthèse et capacités photosynthétiques chez les coraux, influence des paramètres environnementaux sur le métabolisme corallien.
Publications CSM
Unveiling microbiome changes in Mediterranean octocorals during the 2022 marine heatwaves: quantifying key bacterial symbionts and potential pathogens
Prioux C, Tignat-Perrier R, Gervais O, Estaque T, Schull Q, Reynaud S, Béraud E, Mérigot B , Beauvieux A, Marcus M-I, Richaume J, Bianchimani O, Cheminée A, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microbiome (2023) 11/271 -
Acute exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate exacerbates heat-induced oxidative stress in a tropical coral species
Bednarz V, Choyke S, Marangoni L, Otto E I, Béraud E, Metian M, Tolosa I, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Pollut Vol. 302, 119054 -
Plastics are a new threat to Palau's coral reefs
Béraud E, Bednarz V, Otto I, Golbuu Y, Ferrier-Pagès C
PLoS ONE 10.1371 -
Polystyrene nanoplastics impair the photosynthetic capacities of Symbiodiniaceae and promote coral bleaching
Marangoni L, Béraud E, Ferrier-Pagès C
Sci Total Environ 815 - 152136 -
The invisible threat: how microplastics endanger corals
Bednarz V, Leal M, Béraud E, Ferreira Marques J, Ferrier-Pagès C
Frontiers for Young Minds (9) 574637: 1-8 -
Artificial light at night (ALAN) alters the physiology and biochemistry of symbiotic reef building corals
Marangoni L, Levy O, Cohen J I, Rottier C, Béraud E, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Environ Pollut 266, Part 2: 114987 -
Coral Productivity Is Co-Limited by Bicarbonate and Ammonium Availability
Roberty S, Béraud E, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microorganisms 8(5): E640 -
Photochemical response of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata to some sunscreen ingredients
Fel J-P, Lacherez C, Bensetra A, Mezzache S, Béraud E, Léonard M, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 38(1): 109-122 -
Comparative Assessment of Mediterranean Gorgonian-Associated Microbial Communities Reveals Conserved Core and Locally Variant Bacteria
van de Water J A J M, Melkonian R, Voolstra C R, Junca H, Béraud E, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Microb Ecol 73(2): 466-478 -
Photophysiology and daily primary production of a temperate symbiotic gorgonian
Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Béraud E, Rottier C, Menu D, Duong G, Gevaert F
Photosyn Res 123(1): 95-104 -
In situ assessment of the daily primary production of the temperate symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa
Ferrier-Pagès C, Gevaert F, Reynaud S, Béraud E, Menu D, Janquin M-A, Cocito S, Peirano A
Limnol Oceanogr 58(4): 1409-1418 -
The response of the scleractinian coral Turbinaria reniformis to thermal stress depends on the nitrogen status of the coral holobiont
Béraud E, Gevaert F, Rottier C, Ferrier-Pagès C
J Exp Biol 216(14): 2665-2674 -
Effects of Light, Food Availability and Temperature Stress on the Function of Photosystem II and Photosystem I of Coral Symbionts
Hoogenboom M O, Campbell D A, Béraud E, DeZeeuw K, Ferrier-Pagès C
PLoS ONE 7(1): e30167 -
Hsp60 protein pattern in coral is altered by environmental changes in light and temperature
Chow A M, Béraud E, Tang D W F, Ferrier-Pagès C, Brown I R
Comp Biochem Physiol A, Mol Integr Physiol. 161(3): 349-353 -
Long-term growth rates of four Mediterranean cold-water coral species maintained in aquaria
Orejas C, Ferrier-Pagès C, Reynaud S, Gori A, Béraud E, Tsounis G, Allemand D, Gili J M
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 429: 57-65 -
Experimental assessment of the feeding effort of three scleractinian coral species during a thermal stress: Effect on the rates of photosynthesis
Ferrier-Pagès C, Rottier C, Béraud E, Levy O
J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 390(2): 118-124 -
Relationship between symbiont density and photosynthetic carbon acquisition in the temperate coral Cladocora caespitosa
Hoogenboom M, Béraud E, Ferrier-Pagès C
Coral Reefs 29(1): 21-29